Spice up your life with this prawn recipe

Welcome, dear foodie friend! As someone who has spent their life around the kitchen and in the culinary world, I know that cooking can be a tremendously satisfying and enriching experience. Today, I bring you one of my favorite recipes that combines both my love for fresh seafood and my passion for Middle Eastern flavors: Prawns with Chilli Mayo & Pistachio Dukkah.

This recipe is packed with mouth-watering flavors and textures that come together to create a sensational taste. The subtle spice from the fresh chili peppers awakens your taste buds, while the creamy mayonnaise and lime juice bring forth a refreshing and zesty flavor.

But what sets this recipe apart is the pistachio dukkah – a Middle Eastern spiced nut mix made from toasted sesame seeds, cumin seeds, coriander seeds, and pistachios – which adds a delightful crunchiness and complexity to the dish. Trust me; you won’t be able to get enough of it.

If you’re looking to impress your guests or indulge yourself in a sophisticated yet straightforward dish, look no further than this prawns recipe. It’s perfect for dinner parties or as a simple yet elegant weeknight meal.

So grab your apron, put on some good music, and let’s dive into creating this masterpiece together.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Prawns With Chilli Mayo & Pistachio Dukkah
Prawns With Chilli Mayo & Pistachio Dukkah

When it comes to cooking, nothing beats treating your taste buds to the harmonious balance of flavor and texture. And this recipe is just the perfect embodiment of that! Introducing my Prawns with Chilli Mayo & Pistachio Dukkah Recipe, a Middle Eastern-inspired dish that will become your new favorite.

Firstly, the prawns are juicy and succulent, bursting with flavors that are to die for. You’ll be amazed by how well they complement the pistachio dukkah, which is made from roasted pistachio kernels and a blend of aromatic sesame seeds, cumin seeds, coriander seeds, and salt.

But wait, it gets even better. The chilli mayo sauce adds another level of spiciness to make your taste buds tingle with excitement. The harmony between the prawns, sauce, and pistachio dukkah is just something you need to experience firsthand!

And if you’re looking for a dish that is versatile enough for any occasion or craving, my Prawns with Chilli Mayo & Pistachio Dukkah Recipe fits the bill. Whether you’re entertaining guests or just want a satisfying meal on your own, this dish is guaranteed to delight.

So indulge yourself in this flavorful combination of sweet, salty and spicy ingredients. Trust me; you’ll love every bite!

Ingredient List

 This heavenly combination of prawns, chilli mayo, and pistachio dukkah will put a smile on your face!
This heavenly combination of prawns, chilli mayo, and pistachio dukkah will put a smile on your face!

Here are the recipe ingredients that you’ll need to create this spicy and flavorful prawn dish:

  • 16 king prawns, raw
  • Salt and pepper, to season prawns
  • 40g (1/4 cup) sesame seeds
  • 5g (1 tablespoon) cumin seeds
  • 5g (1 tablespoon) coriander seeds
  • 60g (1/2 cup) pistachio kernels, roughly chopped
  • Chilli Mayo:
  • 1 fresh chili pepper, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise
  • Juice of half a lime
  • Pistachio Dukkah:
  • 1/4 cup sesame seeds
  • 5g (1 tablespoon) cumin seeds
  • 5g (1 tablespoon) coriander seeds
  • Salt and pepper, to taste

Most of the ingredients can be found in your local grocery store or spice shop. In case you cannot find any of them, we will provide some substitutions and variations later on.

The Recipe How-To

 Get ready to impress your dinner guests with these stunning prawns!
Get ready to impress your dinner guests with these stunning prawns!

Now, let’s jump right into the recipe how-to, where I will guide you on how to make these mouthwatering prawns with chilli mayo & pistachio dukkah.

Gather Your Ingredients

Firstly, gather all the recipe ingredients like fresh chili pepper, fresh lime juice, mayonnaise, and lime wedge. Along with those, take cumin seeds, sesame seeds, pistachios, and pistachio dukkah.

Prepping The Prawns

Start by cleaning and preparing your prawns. Devein them and remove the head and tail of the prawns. Take salt and pepper for seasoning the prawns.

Making The Chilli Mayo And Pistachio Dukkah

Chilli Mayo

In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise, lime juice, fresh chili pepper chopped finely.

Pistachio Dukkah

Heat a shallow pan over medium heat then add 40g (1/4 cup) sesame seeds and toast for a few minutes until they turn golden brown. Add 1/4 cup pistachios kernels, 5 grams coriander seeds, 1 tablespoon cumin seeds and continue toasting for another minute until fragrant. Remove from heat and transfer to a food processor or mortar & pestle to coarsely grind. Now mix this mixture with some salt as per taste.

Cooking The Prawns

Take a large skillet or frying pan over medium-high heat, add a little bit of any neutral oil with some butter. Season prawns with salt and pepper and add them to the pan in a single layer. Cook for about 2-3 minutes on each side until they’re cooked through.

Serving Your Dish

Arrange the prawns onto a plate or bowl then top each prawn with chilli mayo sauce & pistachio dukkah while serving these delicious dukkah prawns hot to have the best flavors.

You’re ready to enjoy this feast!

But wait! Do not miss out reading our Tip for Perfect Results section below to make sure your dish turns out perfect every time you make it!

Substitutions and Variations

 If you're looking for a tasty and elegant appetizer, look no further than these prawns with chilli mayo and pistachio dukkah!
If you’re looking for a tasty and elegant appetizer, look no further than these prawns with chilli mayo and pistachio dukkah!

When it comes to cooking, there’s always room for creativity and experimentation. This Prawns with Chilli Mayo & Pistachio Dukkah recipe is no exception. Here are a few substitutions and variations that you can try to give this dish your own unique twist:

– Instead of prawns, try making this recipe with king prawns or prawn skewers. You’ll get a slightly different texture, but the flavors will still be amazing.

– If you’re not a fan of mayonnaise, you can substitute it for Greek yogurt or sour cream. The tangy flavor will complement the spicy chili mayo perfectly.

– For a vegetarian version of this recipe, swap out the prawns for butter beans. The nutty flavor will pair well with the pistachio dukkah and the spiciness of the chili mayo.

– If you don’t have any fresh chili pepper on hand, you could use red pepper flakes or sriracha sauce instead. Just be mindful of how much heat you want in your dish.

– Want to add some sweetness to this savory dish? Try making a mango mayonnaise instead of the chili mayo. The sweet and tangy flavor will balance out the nutty and spicy elements of the dukkah.

– To make this dish heartier, add some sliced chorizo or lemon grass to the mix. This will give your meal an extra kick of flavor and texture.

Whether you choose to stick with the original recipe or try some of these substitutions and variations, remember that cooking is all about having fun and exploring new flavors. So go ahead and get creative in the kitchen!

Serving and Pairing

 The nutty, spicy, and creamy flavors in this dish will leave your taste buds dancing!
The nutty, spicy, and creamy flavors in this dish will leave your taste buds dancing!

When it comes to serving and pairing, these prawns with chili mayo and pistachio dukkah are incredibly versatile. They make for a perfect appetizer for any occasion, be it a dinner party or a potluck. They also work as a snack or light lunch that can be prepared ahead of time.

For a stunning presentation, arrange the prawns on a platter with the chili mayo and pistachio dukkah served on the side for dipping. Squeeze some fresh lime juice over the top of the prawns and garnish with coriander leaves and lime wedges. This will not only add a pop of color but will also accentuate the flavors in this dish.

As for pairing, these prawns go particularly well with crisp white wines such as Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio. If you prefer beer, then try a light lager or pilsner. The dish also pairs perfectly with butter beans or lemon grass salad to provide some contrasting textures.

For an unconventional twist, experiment by adding mango mayonnaise or chorizo to the mix. Or you can try grilling some king prawns on skewers and dusting them liberally with the pistachio dukkah.

Overall, this dish is sure to impress your guests and leave them wanting more. It is easy to prepare but remains unique and packed full of flavor. It is no wonder why harissa grilled prawns with the best dukkah recipes are one of those Middle Eastern classics- because they’re just that good!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 These prawns are a must-try for seafood lovers who enjoy a bit of heat!
These prawns are a must-try for seafood lovers who enjoy a bit of heat!

As a chef, I understand the importance of planning ahead and ensuring that your meals can be prepared in advance to make life easier. This recipe for Prawns with Chilli Mayo & Pistachio Dukkah allows for some elements to be made ahead of time, allowing you to enjoy this delicious meal at your leisure.

If you plan on making this dish ahead of time, it’s best to cook the prawns first and then store them in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 24 hours. This will help maintain their freshness and flavor until it’s time to serve.

The chilli mayo and pistachio dukkah can also be made ahead of time and stored separately. The mayo can stay fresh in the fridge for up to five days, while the dukkah can last for up to two weeks when stored in an airtight container.

When it comes to reheating leftovers, it’s important to do so slowly and gently. To reheat leftover prawns, simply place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and cook in a preheated oven at 350°F for around 5-7 minutes or until heated through. Be sure not to overcook them as they will become tough and rubbery.

The chilli mayo can be brought back to room temperature before serving, while the pistachio dukkah can simply be sprinkled over the dish as desired.

Overall, this recipe is perfect for those who prefer to plan ahead but still want a mouth-watering meal that is full of flavor. So don’t hesitate to make extra portions or prepare components in advance – this dish will taste great whether fresh or reheated!

Tips for Perfect Results

 The vibrant colors and textures of this dish will make your mouth water before the first
The vibrant colors and textures of this dish will make your mouth water before the first

When making prawns with chilli mayo and pistachio dukkah, there are a few simple tips to ensure perfect results. First, it’s important to choose high-quality prawns for this dish. Look for sustainably sourced, fresh prawns with firm texture and a bright color.

Another key aspect of this recipe is the pistachio dukkah. Toasting the nuts and seeds before grinding them will enhance their flavors and give the dukkah a rich, nutty aroma. Make sure you use a food processor or spice grinder to grind the mixture finely to get the best results.

Seasoning is also an important factor in this dish. Use freshly ground black pepper, sea salt and a pinch of cumin to add depth and complexity to your marinade. And if you’re feeling adventurous, add a touch of harissa paste for some extra heat.

When grilling your prawns, it’s critical to cook them quickly over high heat to preserve their juicy texture. Don’t overcook them – just two minutes per side should be enough for large king prawns.

Finally, don’t forget about presentation! Arrange your grilled prawn skewers on a platter and drizzle them lightly with chilli mayo. Sprinkle some pistachio dukkah over the top, along with some fresh coriander leaves and lime wedges for garnish. Your guests will be impressed by the beautiful colors and textures of this Middle Eastern inspired dish.

Bottom Line


Now that you have all the information you need to prepare this delicious prawns with chilli mayo and pistachio dukkah recipe, it’s time to head to the kitchen and put your skills to work. I assure you that this dish will not disappoint – it’s packed with bold flavors and textures that are sure to leave a lasting impression.

So go ahead, be bold in the kitchen and give this delicious recipe a try. Don’t be afraid to make substitutions or variations – let your creativity run wild! You may even discover a new favorite ingredient or cooking method along the way. And once you’ve made this amazing prawn dish, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Trust me, they’ll thank you for it.

Finally, I want to thank you for joining me on this culinary adventure. It has been an honor sharing my knowledge and passion for Middle Eastern-inspired cuisine with you. I hope this recipe inspires you to explore new flavors and techniques in your own cooking. Remember, cooking is about more than just nourishment – it’s about creativity, community, and above all, joy. So keep cooking, keep learning, and most importantly, keep enjoying the journey!

Prawns With Chilli Mayo & Pistachio Dukkah

Prawns With Chilli Mayo & Pistachio Dukkah Recipe

Dukkah adds a Middle Eastern flavour to this traditional Aussie treat. Recipe by Tracy Rutherford
No ratings yet
Prep Time 15 mins
Cook Time 5 mins
Course Appetizer
Cuisine International
Calories 239.4 kcal


  • 1/4 cup pistachios
  • 1/4 cup sesame seeds
  • 1 tablespoon coriander seed
  • 2 teaspoons cumin seeds
  • salt and black pepper
  • 1 3/4 lbs peeled cooked prawns or 1 3/4 lbs large cooked shrimp, tails intact
  • lime wedge, to serve

For the Chilli mayo

  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 1 -2 small red fresh chili pepper, halved, deseeded, finely chopped


  • Preheat oven to 350°F.
  • Place the pistachios on a baking tray, and bake for 5 minutes or until lightly toasted. Place in a clean tea towel and rub to remove the skins. Set aside to cool.
  • Mix the sesame seeds, coriander seeds and cumin seeds in a frying pan and heat over medium heat for 3 minutes or until aromatic. Remove from heat and set allow to cool.
  • Pulse pistachios and sesame seeds mixture in the bowl of a food processor until coarsely chopped. Taste and season with salt and pepper.
  • To make the chilli mayo, combine the mayonnaise, lime juice and chilli in a small bowl.
  • Arrange the prawns on a serving platter. Serve with the chilli mayo, dukkah and lime wedges.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 127gCalories: 239.4kcalCarbohydrates: 11.4gProtein: 15.6gFat: 15.1gSaturated Fat: 2.1gCholesterol: 132.7mgSodium: 772.7mgFiber: 1.3gSugar: 2.6g
Keyword < 30 Mins, Australian, Easy
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