Mouth-Watering Jordanian Hummus: A Recipe to Savor

Welcome, my dear food lovers, we are gathered here today to embark on a tasty journey through the truly Jordanian hummus recipe. Have you ever had a taste of Middle Eastern cuisine? If you haven’t, prepare yourself as we present one of the best-known dishes that will take your taste buds on a fantastic adventure.

Hummus hummus hummus! I bet when some people hear this word, they think of the classic and straightforward recipe they have prepared or tasted before. But this recipe is different. This dish has a twist that separates it from other traditional Middle Eastern hummus recipes. It is called Truly Jordanian Hummus Recipe!

What makes it different from other hummus recipes? The secret lies in the authentic ingredients’ combination and proportionality used to make this recipe. From chickpeas tahini sesame paste to garlic, lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, and other exquisite spices, every ingredient plays a crucial role in making this dip spread excellent.

In this recipe article, you will learn how to make easy homemade authentic Lebanese-style hummus without spending a fortune on expensive ingredients or time-consuming preparations. We will show you how to make an excellent homemade hummus that tastes like it’s straight from a restaurant in Jerusalem.

You don’t need any special culinary skills or tools. All you need is a blender or food processor and some basic pantry staples, and voila! You’ll have delicious hummus ready in no time at all.

So, are you ready to experience one of the best hummuses from around the world? If so, let us start our journey through this truly Jordanian hummus recipe. Get your ingredients ready because things are about to get exciting!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Truly Jordanian Hummus
Truly Jordanian Hummus

Ah, dear reader, let me tell you why you simply must give this Truly Jordanian Hummus recipe a try.

Firstly, this hummus is truly the real deal. It’s packed full of mouth-watering Middle Eastern flavors, with creamy chickpeas and fragrant tahini paste forming the base of this dip/spread sensation. This hummus recipe hails from Jordan, where they certainly know a thing or two about delicious cuisine. So if you’re looking for an authentic Lebanese or Israeli-style hummus, look no further than this Truly Jordanian Hummus.

But enough about authenticity – the real reason to love this recipe is because it’s just downright tasty. I’m talking smooth, velvety hummus that practically melts in your mouth! The blend of garlic salt, cumin, black pepper, and lemon juice adds a punch of flavor to every bite, while the extra virgin olive oil brings it all together beautifully. Trust me when I say that once you taste this hummus, it will quickly become a staple in your recipe book.

But there’s more! This recipe is incredibly easy to make (and almost impossible to mess up). Simply blend the chickpeas, tahini, garlic powder, and spices in a blender or food processor until well blended. Then add lemon juice and ice-cold water (yes, ice-cold!), blend some more until it reaches that perfect level of creaminess. Serve with a drizzle of olive oil on top and some pita bread or fresh vegetables for dipping and enjoy!

So what are you waiting for? Whether you’re a long-time hummus lover or just curious to try something new, this Truly Jordanian Hummus is sure to please. It’s packed full of flavor and made with simple ingredients that you may even already have on hand. Don’t just take my word for it though; go ahead and give it a try yourself!

Ingredient List

 Smooth and creamy with a pop of color!
Smooth and creamy with a pop of color!

Here are the key ingredients you will need for this Truly Jordanian Hummus recipe. All ingredients should be at room temperature before using.


You can use either canned chickpeas or dried chickpeas for this recipe. If opting for dried chickpeas, you need to soak it in water for 8-12 hours, or overnight, then rinse and drain it. Also, make sure to cook the chickpeas until they are very tender and soft.


This is a crucial ingredient in making hummus. You can find tahini, a sesame seed paste, at most supermarkets or Middle Eastern markets. Be sure to use good quality tahini paste that has a smooth, light consistency and creamy texture.

Lemon Juice

Use freshly squeezed lemon juice for best results. To extract the maximum juice from your lemons, roll them on your kitchen counter with gentle pressure before slicing and squeezing them.


Fresh garlic provides an aromatic flavor to your hummus, but if you don’t have any on hand, feel free to substitute with garlic powder instead.

Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is preferred in this recipe because it offers a fruity and tangy flavor that complements the nutty tahini and pungent garlic in the hummus. Use a high-quality olive oil for best results.

Spices & Seasonings

You will need salt, black pepper, cumin, and paprika or sumac for seasoning your hummus. You can adjust these based on your taste preference.

The Recipe How-To

 The perfect appetizer for any gathering.
The perfect appetizer for any gathering.

Now, let me guide you through the truly Jordanian hummus recipe. This is where your food processor or blender comes in handy.


Step 1: Preparing the Chickpeas

Start by soaking 4 cups of dried chickpeas in cold water overnight with a pinch of baking soda or use canned chickpeas for an easier option.

Step 2: Blending the Chickpeas

In a blender or food processor, start blending chickpeas with tahini, garlic salt, cumin, lemon juice and olive oil until it’s very well blended. If the mixture seems too thick during blending, add ice-cold water gradually until the hummus smooth consistency is achieved.

Step 3: Seasoning the Hummus

At this point, we need to test the taste3 of our hummus. Now you can season it accordingly with salt and black pepper. Here are a few tips that might help:

  • Add salt gradually and taste frequently.
  • Start with adding a little black pepper first.

Step 4: Serving Time

Once our hummus is perfectly seasoned and has that velvety texture, transfer it to a plate or bowl. Then drizzle some extra virgin olive oil over it and sprinkle it with some black pepper and cumin.

Remember, this hummus recipe is perfect as a dip spread for pita bread or sliced vegetables. And don’t be afraid to explore new serving options at home.

Now you know how to make yourself some homemade hummus that will surely please any middle eastern cuisine fan.

Substitutions and Variations

 A must-try for hummus lovers.
A must-try for hummus lovers.

Well, friend, I’m not one to prescribe hard and fast rules when it comes to cooking. After all, the beauty of the kitchen is the endless possibilities and permutations that can arise from a little bit of experimentation.

That being said, here are a few substitutions and variations you can try out with this truly Jordanian hummus recipe.

Firstly, if you’re looking to mix things up in the flavor department, why not play around with the spice blend? For example, instead of black pepper and cumin powder as called for in the original recipe, you could try swapping in some paprika, sumac or za’atar to give your hummus a different Middle Eastern twist.

Additionally, if you’re in a pinch for time or just don’t have chickpeas on hand, you could try making this hummus hummus using black beans, kidney beans or even lentils! Keep in mind that the texture and taste might be a bit different than traditional chickpea-based hummus, but experimentation is what makes cooking fun, right?

Now let’s talk about tahini. If you don’t have this sesame seed paste on hand or simply don’t care for it, fear not. You can actually make a creamy and delicious hummus sans tahini by simply replacing it with an equal amount of creamy natural peanut butter! Or you could try using almond butter or other nut butters to achieve that creaminess.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to add some other flavorful ingredients to your hummus. Roasted red peppers or tomatoes add depth and color while a handful of fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro can brighten up the flavor profile. And if you’re feeling really adventurous, why not try out a dessert hummus recipe by adding some cocoa powder or honey? The options are (almost) endless!

Serving and Pairing

 Get your pita bread ready!
Get your pita bread ready!

Now that you’ve made the perfect Truly Jordanian Hummus, it’s time to talk about how to serve and pair it.

Firstly, I recommend garnishing your hummus with some chickpeas, a sprinkle of black pepper, and a drizzle of olive oil. This will not only make your bowl more visually appealing but adds texture and flavor as well.

Hummus is a versatile dish that can be served in various ways. Traditionally, hummus is eaten as a dip for pita bread or veggies. But it can also be used as a spread on sandwiches or wraps.

For a Middle Eastern-inspired feast, serve your hummus with falafel, tabouli salad, or baba ganoush. Fresh veggies like carrots, cucumbers or bell peppers are another great pairing option.

Did you know? Some restaurants also serve dessert hummus. Yes! You read that right. Dessert Hummus is quite popular these days and if you haven’t tried it yet, you’re missing out! You can easily turn your savory hummus into a sweet treat by pulsing in ingredients such as cocoa powder, honey or maple syrup.

In conclusion, there are countless ways to serve and pair your homemade Truly Jordanian Hummus. Get creative with your plating and see what works best for your taste buds!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 A deliciously flavorful hummus from Jordan.
A deliciously flavorful hummus from Jordan.

I reckon, once you make a batch of this truly Jordanian hummus, it may not last very long. However, let me share some tips on how to store and reheat this delicious dip spread.

If you want to make it ahead of time, the good news is that hummus can be stored for up to four days in the refrigerator. Just place it in an airtight container and make sure to press a plastic wrap on the surface of the dip to keep air from getting in. This will prevent browning and drying out.

When reheating hummus, avoid using a microwave as it can result in a watery texture. Instead, remove it from the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature for around 30 minutes until it gets to room temperature.

In case you find your hummus is too thick upon reheating, you can always add a tablespoon or two of ice-cold water or lemon juice while blending it again to achieve the desired texture.

Lastly, I have one more tip for those who want to make larger batches of hummus that can last for several weeks. You can freeze your homemade hummus for up to six months! Just transfer it into an airtight container or freezer bags, ensuring you leave enough headspace for expansion during freezing.

To thaw frozen hummus, remove it from the freezer and place it in the fridge overnight or until fully defrosted. Once defrosted, give it a good mix before serving!

Tips for Perfect Results

 This hummus recipe will transport your taste buds straight to the Middle East.
This hummus recipe will transport your taste buds straight to the Middle East.

Now that you have the ingredients and the recipe know-how, let’s talk about how to make the perfect batch of hummus every time.

1. Use ice cold water: When blending chickpeas in a blender or food processor, add ice cold water instead of room temperature water. This will help create a creamier and smoother texture.

2. Blend well: Make sure to blend the mixture until it is well blended and smooth. You don’t want any chunks of chickpeas or tahini in your hummus.

3. Taste as you go: Adjust the seasoning as you go along. Add more salt, lemon juice, or black pepper to achieve your preferred taste.

4. Experiment with variations: Get creative and experiment with different variations like adding roasted red peppers, caramelized onions or jalapenos for a unique twist on the classic hummus recipe.

5. Extra virgin olive oil: Use high-quality extra virgin olive oil for better flavor and smoother texture.

6. Use canned chickpeas in a pinch: In case you don’t have time to soak dried chickpeas overnight, you can always use canned chickpeas as a substitute.

7. Don’t oversoak dried chickpeas: When soaking dried chickpeas, don’t oversoak them as they can become mushy and affect the texture of your hummus.

8. Storage is key: Store your homemade hummus in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. Take it out 15-20 minutes before serving to bring it back to room temperature before serving.

Following these tips will ensure that you make the best possible hummus every time!


Now that you have all the information to make this Truly Jordanian Hummus Recipe, it’s time to answer some frequently asked questions about the recipe. Here are some common questions that might come to your mind while preparing it.

What do Arabs dip in hummus?

A common way to enhance the flavor of dishes in Middle Eastern cuisine is by using a garnish consisting of olive oil, whole chickpeas, parsley, and paprika. This garnish is frequently paired with pita bread to make a delicious dip.

Why is Israeli hummus so smooth?

Create a smooth and flavorful Israeli-style hummus by pureeing garlic in lemon juice and blending hot chickpeas.

How to make hummus Iranian style?

One of my favorite recipes is for creamy, flavorful hummus. To make it, start by blending chickpeas, garlic, lemon, and tahini in a blender or food processor. You can add some juice from the chickpea can if needed to help it blend smoothly. Once the mixture is well blended, add some parsley for extra flavor.

Next, transfer the hummus to a bowl and mix in chopped tomato, cucumber, and onion, as well as salt to taste. This mixture is perfect for serving with lots of chopped vegetables, as well as pita or bagel crisps, or whole grain crackers. It makes for a great party dish, or just a tasty snack any time of day.

What is Middle Eastern hummus made of?

Hummus has gained immense popularity and can now be found easily in grocery stores. This Middle Eastern spread is prepared by blending chickpeas, tahini, garlic, lemon juice, and salt to make a creamy dip. It’s traditionally paired with pita bread and served with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, I can assure you that this truly Jordanian hummus recipe is the best hummus you will ever taste. With its authentic Middle Eastern flavor, this dip is a sure crowd-pleaser and a must-have in every party or gathering.

I hope my detailed instructions have been helpful in guiding you through the process of making this easy homemade hummus. Remember to use quality ingredients like virgin olive oil, chickpeas tahini sesame paste, and lemon juice to achieve the best result.

Feel free to experiment with variations and make it your own! This recipe is very versatile and can be tweaked according to your preference. Serve it with pita bread, vegetable sticks, or crackers for a healthy and tasty snack option.

Don’t forget to store any leftover hummus properly in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week. Before serving again, allow it to sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes and stir well.

I hope you enjoy making and eating this truly Jordanian hummus as much as I do!

Truly Jordanian Hummus

Truly Jordanian Hummus Recipe

Having just moved back from Jordan, i had to perfect a recipe for hummus, the fast food of Jordan. I finally got the texture righ even while using canned chick peas. Two secrets- finding the right brand of chickpeas and adding some ice to the final mix for a smooth texture (this is the authentic trick i brought back with me ). Hummus restaurants use citric acid instead of lemon juice, but lemon juice is always available. I use storebought bottled lemon juice.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 15 mins
Cook Time 0 mins
Course Appetizer
Cuisine Jordanian
Calories 327.2 kcal


  • 2 (400 g) cans chickpeas, I used California Garden
  • 1/2 cup tahini
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, finely ground
  • 1/2 cup ice (more or less)


  • Empty two cans chickpeas onto medium saucepan with juices. Cover with water and heat to a boil to soften beans.
  • Drain beans well. Put in food processor and mix until fairly smooth. Scrape as necessary.
  • Add tahini, salt, garlic powder and black pepper.
  • Process until incorporated.
  • Scrape down bowl and add lemon juice. Process again.
  • Add olive oil and process until smooth.
  • Finally add ice and continue processing to a very smooth texture without becoming runny.
  • Serve on a plate with more olive oil. Sprinkle with paprika. Serve with warmed pita bread.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 152gCalories: 327.2kcalCarbohydrates: 27.4gProtein: 7.7gFat: 21.9gSaturated Fat: 3gSodium: 601.8mgFiber: 5.9gSugar: 0.2g
Keyword < 15 Mins, Beans, Easy, Lebanese, Low Cholesterol, Middle Eastern, Palestinian
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